International SEO Recruitment Agency

About SEO Talent Finder

SEO Talent Finder is a recruitment agency dedicated exclusively to helping companies find the best SEO talent worldwide.

Our agency was founded in 2019 by Directors of large companies who faced the challenge of finding SEO managers for the growth of their search teams.

Given the growing demand for SEO talent and the difficulties with properly evaluating SEO knowledge and skills, SEO Talent Finder was born as the solution to accompany the exponential demand for SEO professionals.

Our 100% focus on HR for SEO, experience in the field, and database of industry professionals with +3,700 people interviewed, make us the strategic ally for SEO development in your company.

¿How we get it done?

Our goal is for you to find the SEO talent your company needs to grow!

We will propose an initial conversation to understand the organizational culture of the company and its specific needs for the vacant SEO position. This way, we will be able to present them with ideal candidates that both meet SEO requirements and align with company culture.

We search through our existing database or go out into the market to find and attract talent, we measure their technical and specific knowledge in SEO using our proprietary tools as well as measure their soft skills. Then we build a detailed report on the candidate once we gather all the necessary information for you to make the best decision possible.

Based on the initial criteria and information gathered, we select the 3 candidates that best suit your needs and schedule interviews so that you can get to know them and helo you make the best decision. If for some reason they are not considered ideal candidates, we will propose 3 new candidates.

We guarantee up to 100% of our fee for weeks and months after hiring in case the candidate does not adapt correctly after joining the company.

What Our Clients Say`s

Making it possible
We look for the perfect match between company and candidate.


As a partner for the assembly of the Uber SEO team, SEO Talent Finder was a great solution because they quickly understood our need and the type of profiles we were looking for.

M. Oneto, Senior SEO Manager at Uber.


On average per month we needed to hire 3 people and we had a hard time finding professionals with SEO knowledge and experience. Since we work with seoTF it is no longer a problem and we can spend more time generating added value.

S. Lopez, People Director at Punto Rojo SEO Agency.

Frequently Asked Questions

At SEOtf we have a database of +3,700 SEO professionals, whom we have already interviewed and measured their SEO and soft skills.

Our team is also continually expanding our database with new professionals in order quickly and efficiently help companies find the SEO talent they need.

We have our own technical knowledge evaluation tool that we generate together with our strategic partner Punto Rojo. All our applicants have also undergone a psycho-technical analysis.

Once the interviews for the position have been carried out, we select 3 ideal candidates to present to the company.

Our goal is to help your company grow with great SEO talent, so all of our proposals have a 3-month replacement guarantee. If once the candidate has been selected and entered the company, they do not meet the expectations of the role during their 3-month trial period, SEOtf will automatically search for a new candidate free of charge.

We work fast to help you! In a week we approached at least 3 candidates.

We have a database of SEO talents for both remote and face-to-face hiring in 12 countries.

No, we only charge for results obtained. Our fee is charged 100% once we have been able to resolve the job search.

We are looking for you

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